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Ministry of Agriculture Encourages Replication of its Mainstay Program ...
The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) continues to increase the capacity of agr...

North Kolaka ready to succeed in the READSI program
In 2019, six provinces in Indonesia received the "Rural Empowerment an...

DPRD North Kolaka Ready to Support Kostratani and READSI
Support from local governments for the advancement of agricultural developm...

Corn Harvest Festival in Mataiwoi Village, Ngapa District
Local government of North Kolaka continues to maximize efforts to boost the...

18 Farmer Groups from North Kolaka Participate in Empowerment Program f...
total of 18 farmer groups in North Kolaka Regency are participating in the ...

Regent Nur Rahman Umar Distributes Agricultural Tools and Machinery (Al...
The Regent of North Kolaka, Drs. H. Nur Rahman Umar, M.H., distributed Agri...

Deputy Regent Suharsi: The READSI Program Has Made a Real Impact on Agr...
The Deputy Regent of Pohuwato, Suharsi Igirisa, officially opened the Evalu...

Readsi Kolaka Utara Diapresiasi Berdayakan Ribuan Petani
Selasa (11/6), ratusan petani dari 18 desa di Kolaka Utara berkumpul di Kan...

Berakhir Desember 2024, Program Readsi Evaluasi Tingkat Keberhasilan Pe...
UPT. Pelatihan Sumber Daya Manusia Pertanian Dinas TPHBUN Prov. Sulsel mela...

Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (TPH) Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah mengad...