Whats Is Readsi?

The Rural Empowerment and Agricultural Development Scaling up Initiative (READSI) program is a program that aims to improve the welfare of poor farming families through empowering rural farming households and utilizing resources to increase income in the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.

The goal of the READSI Program is that rural households in Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo), West Kalimantan and NTT are empowered both individually and collectively with skills, confidence and resource management to increase their income and livelihoods and non-farming in a sustainable manner.

The target groups of the READSI program are (1) Poor farmers who own land for agricultural activities and actively participate in improving economic activities in the agricultural sector; (2) Active farmers who can be used as examples and will act as “agents of change” who have the potential to demonstrate and motivate farmers to increase their livelihood income; (3) Landless farmers and narrow landowners who have the potential to be facilitated to develop their resources as a source of family income; and (4) Households with female heads of households who will be facilitated through yard development activities, increased awareness of nutritional improvement, and household financial management.

Goal and Outcome


  1. Peningkatan indeks asset rumah tangga petani
  2. Peningkatan kualitas konsumsi
  3. Peningkatan ketahanan pangan


  1. Peningkatan pendapatan rumah tangga petani
  2. Peningkatan produksi hasil usaha tani
  3. Peningkatan akses petani terhadap jasa keuangan perdesaan
  4. Peningkatan
    • relevansi
    • kualitas
    • aksesibilitas penyuluhan pertanian
  5. Peningkatan akses benih padi bersertifikat oleh petani di pedesaan
  6. Pengembangan kerjasama program dengan swasta
  7. Peningkatan adopsi input, teknologi, atau praktik baru dalam usaha tani


Komponen Program

Komponen-1: Pengembangan Pertanian dan Mata pencaharian di Pedesaan (Village Agriculture and Livelihoods Development), terdiri dari:

  1. Mobilisasi Masyarakat id
  2. Pengembangan Pertanian dan Peningkatan Mata Pencaharian
  3. Simpan, Pinjam dan Literasi Keuangan
  4. Perbaikan Gizi Keluarga

Komponen-2: Peningkatan Pelayanan Penyuluhan, Penyediaan Saprotan, dan Pemasaran (Services, Inputs and Market Linkages), terdiri dari:

  1. Peningkatan Pelayanan Penyuluhan Pertanian
  2. Penguatan Kelembagaan Keuangan
  3. Sistem Pengadaan Perbenihan
  4. Dukungan Pelayanan dan Pemasaran bagi Petani Kakao di Sulawesi
  5. Pelayanan Peningkatan Produksi dan Kesehatan Hewan di Provinsi NTT

Komponen-3: Tersedianya Dukungan Kebijakan dan Strategi Pembangunan (Policy and Strategy Development Support). Komponen-3 akan dibiayai oleh hibah IFAD dan akan dikelola secara langsung oleh Kementerian Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional/BAPPENAS.

Komponen-4: Dukungan Manajemen Program (Project Management) di pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten.

Kegiatan dan Layanan program

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Pengelola Dan Mitra

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Capaian Program


Keluarga Penerima Manfaat


Kelompok Tani


Partisipasi Perempuan


Peningkatan Pendapatan


Peningkatan Produksi


Peningkatan Akses Lembaga Keuangan


Kepuasan Penyuluhan Pertanian


Adopsi GAP


Sekolah Lapang


Pelatihan GAP


Penerima Saprotan/Alsintan


Pelatihan Literasi Keuangan


Peningkatan Nutrisi


Bantuan Benih


Infrastruktur Sederhana


Pelayanan Jasa Alsintan


Jumlah Pelatihan Penyuluh


Jumlah BPP Diupgrade


Agr. Training Center Receiving IT Equipment


Jumlah Mitra Penangkar


Jumlah Penangkar Potensial Teridentifikasi


Jumlah Mitra Sektor Swasta